Here's My Story

I am living proof that one can break free from the shadows of societal expectations and personal trauma to discover a life of authenticity and freedom. My story, like many, began with internalized messages of not being enough - not fitting the mold, not adhering to expected norms. Even before transitioning in my late 30s, I existed in a world rife with ingrained homophobia and transphobia. This journey, though fraught with challenges, became my crucible for transformation.
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How I Got Here

From an early age, I felt a profound sense of disconnection, as if living outside my own body.

This detachment, initially a survival mechanism, shielded me from the things I wasn’t equipped to deal with—but eventually became an obstacle to my progress.

Through my work with a somatic coach and committed self-study, I explored somatic practices and the principles of polyvagal theory. This exploration illuminated how these protective mechanisms, while once necessary, had evolved into barriers preventing me from moving forward in a way that truly served me. It led me to a profound understanding and reintegration of my being, transforming these obstacles into stepping stones toward a more authentic self.

I often struggle with the question —
How can I be a force for good in this world?

What I’ve come up with is this—what do I have control over?

Luckily, that list is pretty short.

I have absolute control over one thing and one thing only—the choices I make.

From there, the answer was pretty simple: I can choose to do the work to clear away the constructs that have been holding me back, providing me the ability to pause when triggered and choose something different from what has come before.

In other words—I can choose to do the work to be the best me I can be.

Read that again, because it's absolutely true. 😉

This philosophy gives me the foundation on which to build the rest of my life. Naturally, if I have the tools to reduce suffering in myself and others, the most profoundly positive effect I can have on the world is to share those tools and help others reclaim their vibrant selves.

And that is why I am here.

My Mentors & Influences

My Certifcations

Through my extensive training in trauma-informed approaches, I'm here to support your healing journey with empathy and understanding, fostering transformative growth and resilience.
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Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy, The Embody Lab

Using insights from the Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Certificate, I offer a holistic, body-centered approach to support your healing journey, helping you navigate and heal from trauma through embodied practices.
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Applied Polyvagal Theory in Yoga
(Level 1-3)

Incorporating the profound insights from the Applied Polyvagal Theory course, I blend neuroscience with yoga movement practices to foster a nurturing environment for your nervous system, enhancing your sense of safety, connection, and overall well-being by understanding and responding to its signals.
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Mind-Body Coaching
(In progress)

I integrate advanced somatic practices and mindfulness techniques into my coaching to promote profound personal transformation. By leveraging this comprehensive training, I guide you through a process that enhances body awareness, emotional resilience, and holistic well-being to create lasting changes in your life.
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RYT200 (In Progress)

By integrating the comprehensive teachings from the Movement Wisdom 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, I bring a blend of Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, and Restorative yoga practices to our sessions, enriched with deep philosophical insights and movement science, to support your journey towards physical and inner balance.
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(Coming soon)

As a lifelong, avid learner, I continuously enrich my practice with new insights and experiences, passionately dedicating myself to exploring diverse healing modalities. This dedication not only deepens my understanding but also enhances my ability to guide others on their unique paths toward healing and personal growth.
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Y12SR Peer Support Guide

Drawing from the Y12SR Peer Support Specialist Training, I integrate yoga's ancient wisdom with the practical tools of 12-step programs to offer a compassionate and comprehensive approach to addiction recovery and healing, enhancing both individual and collective well-being through embodied practice and connection.

Ways We Can Work Together

1:1 Embodiment Coaching

Online or in-person, this coaching is designated for individuals to process and explore the mind-body connection, and tap into the body’s inherent wisdom to heal. Typically, sessions are weekly or bi-weekly with flexible scheduling to accommodate diverse time zones and lifestyles. Packages are available to suit various needs and goals, offering a structured path towards personal growth and self-discovery. Through personalized guidance, participants will learn to navigate their emotional landscape, enhance mindfulness, and foster a deeper sense of presence and well-being in their daily lives.
Online or in-person, this coaching is designated for individuals to process and explore the mind-body connection, and tap into the body’s inherent wisdom to heal. Typically, sessions are weekly or bi-weekly with flexible scheduling to accommodate diverse time zones and lifestyles. Packages are available to suit various needs and goals, offering a structured path towards personal growth and self-discovery. Through personalized guidance, participants will learn to navigate their emotional landscape, enhance mindfulness, and foster a deeper sense of presence and well-being in their daily lives.

50 mins |  Varies


The Bodha Blueprint Workshops are a transformative six-week journey designed to foster healing and resilience through the practice of therapeutic yoga. Each session is crafted to facilitate trauma recovery by integrating gentle yoga postures, breathwork, mindfulness, and meditation, creating a nurturing space for both physical and emotional healing. These workshops aim to empower you, offering tools and insights to reclaim a sense of wholeness and balance in your life. Online and in-person options available.

6 Weeks, 90 mins |  $750

Yoga for Trauma Healing

My Trauma-Informed Yoga Classes are designed for individuals who want to work through their traumas and reclaim their vital selves. Through gentle movements, breathwork, and mindfulness practices, our workshops provide a safe and nurturing space for participants to explore the healing potential of yoga. We guide individuals towards releasing trauma stored in the body, cultivating self-compassion, and restoring a sense of balance and wholeness.

60-90 mins |  Online & Live | Price Varies

Community Breathwork Sessions

Join our weekly RaRe Self (Radically Reclaimed Self) Community Breathwork sessions, a serene 20-minute journey designed to ground and unite like-minded individuals. These sessions are a gateway to deeper connection and self-discovery, perfectly complementing the transformative experiences of The RaRe Self workshops.

In a supportive and open atmosphere, you'll practice breathwork techniques that not only enhance personal well-being but also foster a sense of community and shared purpose.

Whether you're a newcomer or a seasoned attendee, these sessions offer a moment of tranquility and renewal, inviting you to explore your inner landscape while connecting with others on a similar path.

20 mins | Donation-Based | Online

I'm Just Here for the shavasana!

You've seen the t-shirts...we've shared the it's time to embody the phrase, "I'm just here for the Shavasana"!

Inspired by Tricia Hersey's pioneering work with The Nap Ministry, "I'm Just Here for the Shavasana" is a 30-minute, weekly online session dedicated to embracing rest as a revolutionary act.

This session draws upon the principles of rest as resistance and radical self-care, as championed by Hersey, to offer a sanctuary for those seeking to reclaim their time, energy, and peace from the relentless demands of a productivity-obsessed society. Each week, participants are invited to engage in Shavasana, or corpse pose, a practice of deep rest that serves as a powerful form of non-action and healing. Join us as we embrace rest as a form of liberation and communal care.

30 mins | Free | Online

Y12SR Meetings

Y12SR (Yoga of 12-Step Recovery) meetings blend the practical tools of the 12-step program with the ancient wisdom of yoga. These sessions create an inclusive space where individuals can explore the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of addiction recovery.

By integrating the 12-step philosophy with yoga's mindfulness and embodiment practices, Y12SR offers a holistic approach to healing, fostering resilience, self-awareness, and a supportive community for ongoing recovery. In-person and online.

90-120 mins |  Donation-Based

Professional Scope Notice: I am not a licensed medical professional, mental health provider, or a member of the clergy. As an Embodiment Coach, my services are not a substitute for professional healthcare or mental health services, nor do they constitute medical or psychological advice. The guidance offered through my services is for personal growth and should not replace the advice given by medical or mental health professionals. Always consult your healthcare provider for any health-related issues and before making any substantial changes to your health regimen.